I’d Gladly Pay You Tuesday

A pretty standard burger, though with minced homemade prosciutto and fresh herbs added in. On top, a sautéed mixture of maitake mushrooms and mustard greens. I didn’t make the bun, or the ketchup. I’m sick, so that’s all you get for today, you slavering jackals.



  1. The Spiteful Chef
    April 28, 2010

    You get noodle soup most days of the week, but when you're sick you crave burgers? You're an enigma, Peter.

  2. Zoomie
    April 28, 2010

    Ha! Love the slavering jackals remark. Get better soon.

  3. peter
    May 1, 2010

    Kristie: I have a ferocious craving for burgers and junk food when I'm sick.

    Zoomie: It came to me in a fever dream.

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