It’s What The Cat Would Have Wanted

Fried chicken, that is.

On braised kale and roasted roots: parsnips, turnips, celery root, and fat cloves of garlic with thyme and rosemary sprigs. We had a bit of an anatomy lesson as I broke whole legs down into two pieces each, and then I dredged them in seasoned flour and let them sit while a small pot of peanut oil got nice and hot. A little over half an inch of oil is plenty, and three batches got it all done.

It’s funny: I posted a picture of my dead cat, and was honestly surprised at how many people found that to be bold, or brave in some way. Most posts here feature a picture of a dead animal, albeit in a different context, and of course it’s perfectly normal. But a dead pet seems to cross some line. I included the picture because I thought it was honest, and made the post better. And in part I put it up because the cute animal sites probably get more traffic than the rest of the (non-porn) web combined. So I was all “OK Internet, here’s a cat picture for you. Should I put a big caption on it that says ‘CAN I HAZ BURIAL PLZ?'”

Anyway, he loved chicken. Nights that I made anything involving tuna and salmon he would get pretty worked up, but chicken made him positively apoplectic with desire. So this meal was for him. Does anyone know where I can buy a 40 oz. bottle of chicken stock to pour on his grave?

</cat posts>



  1. Janet
    January 11, 2011

    I read the “Mistah Cat-He Dead” post and I’m sorry for your lost. I also had a hard look at the last picture and for me, it showed closure.
    A few years ago we also lost our beloved cat, Eric. Mistah sounded a lot like him. A big male cat who was always up for a play fight (he had all his claws so you had to be careful), but he had a softer side. If you sat down on the couch, he would appear like magic and park himself on your lap. We miss him deeply.
    BTW, the chicken looks amazing.

  2. January 11, 2011

    Bock loves chicken, too. It will be his last meal.

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